Sports massage
Sports massage is available at Blue Eye Healthcare. This is a firmer massage therapy style where deeper layer of soft tissues can be released from tension. It may be a little tender to experience at times but no more sore than what is agreed between client and practitioner (e.g. working up to 7/10 for discomfort, or when “good pain” becomes “bad pain”. To encourage a muscle to let go of tension, sometimes we need to provoke a response in the body to help let it go.
Your osteopath Glenn was a qualified sports massage before he trained as an osteopath and has worked in a variety of locations, including the famous Harbour Club in Chelsea.
As Glenn is an osteopath first and foremost, he approaches his work from an osteopathic standpoint first, so consent, a case history, examination and consent is always carried out on the first visit.
How to book online
There is no difference in price between sports massage and osteopathy, as the practitioner simply charges for time used. As some people have a combination of treatments, pricing would therefore become awkward.
When booking sports massage, just use the ‘osteopathy’ options and choose the desired duration. In your booking, feel free to mention that it is only sports massage you are after. Or, if you are unsure, please feel free to discuss the best treatment modality for you at the consultation.